Wednesday, October 19, 2016

I'm back...sort of

I took a hiatus from blogging to have a kid or two.

However, now that I'm back to working in an office three days a week and applying makeup on a regular basis I find myself looking for an outlet to share what I'm loving (and not loving) again.

But, in light of recent developments (i.e. Kids) I find that most days I am without makeup but would still like to share my thoughts, unrelated to makeup. I enjoy lifestyle blogs and I guess I am wanting to transition to something like that.

On that note, my goal is to post once or twice a week, with exceptions being made for extenuating circumstances.

I also want to TRY to get back in to my Makeup of the Day/ #MOTD posts on Instagram. That may be a bit ambitious for me but I figure if I put it out there in to blogging-land I may hold myself accountable and actually do it.

We shall see!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

P.M. / Evening Cleansing Routine

Good Evening!

After a LONG day I thoroughly enjoy the ritual of cleansing my face. I feel like I'm wiping away the day's makeup and grime but also troubles and stress. Its an opportunity, in my very hectic life, to do something nice for myself that also (hopefully) has long reaching positive effects.

When I first arrive home I grab an unscented, natural baby wipe and remove just the first layer of face makeup - everything except my eye makeup (because that's gonna take a little more oomph). Right now I'm using the Target brand unscented ones and I love them. They do not cause my skin to break out or react AND they're super cheap...certainly cheaper than some of the makeup removal wipes available.

Now I KNOW this is NO substitute for properly cleansing your face and heaven forbid I go to bed just like this. I wouldn't be doing my skin (or my pillowcase) any favors if I did!

After my night's activities: dinner, clean up, prep for the next day and putting my baby to bed, I can retire to the bathroom and really get to work.

I scoop about 1/2 a teaspoon of Trader Joes Organic Virgin Coconut Oil onto clean dry hands and rub it on to my DRY face. Note* because of where I store it (under my sink) the coconut oil is ususally a white colored solid and melts in my hands upon contact with my face. If you store the coconut oil in a warmer environment it will appear as a clear liquid in the jar. Either way is fine, though the liquid may be messier to handle.

photocredit: Trader Joe's website
I rub the oil in to my face taking special care to *gently* remove my eye makeup. This stuff doesn't sting, it smells like the tropics and if a little gets in your mouth its edible anyway. At this point I try to give my skin a nice massage, taking the oil all the way down to my neck, and get the circulation going under the skin. I know I've mentioned her before, but Caroline Hirons (a TRUE professional) has an excellent blog post about facial massage.

After thoroughly rubbing the oil around and my makeup into oblivion  its time to remove. I use Target brand cotton ovals. You could also use a warm, damp flannel (washcloth) which I think would be heavenly. However, I don't use that because they tend to accumulate quickly if I haven't done a wash in a bit (a bit meaning two happens).

I wipe all the makeup and oil off, including whatever product is around my hairline and down my neck.

Then, I dampen my face with warm water and give it a good rinse. The oil remaining on your skin will prevent the water from really penetrating your skin but thats fine. Then I take about a half teaspoon of my cleanser of choice, Lush's Angels on Bare Skin, and I mix in in my palm with some water to make a paste. Cleanse and rub, getting all that paste and scrubby goodness around. Because this cleanser contains lavender flowers and finely ground almonds, it acts as a gentle exfoliant. Once I have scrubbed for about a minute or two I rinse thoroughly (getting all that aforementioned scrubby goodness out of my hairline where it unfortunately tends to accumulate).

photocredit: Lush website
After rinsing, my skin is clean but not squeaky and feels hydrated and plump.

I tone with Lush's Breath of Fresh Air toner. It contains sea water and aloe vera and rose absolute, which smell and feel divine.

photocredit: Lush website
I then apply my evening moisturizer, Josie Maran's 100% pure Argan oil (about 4-6 drops). If I'm feeling a little parched or want to treat myself, I'll top that with Lush's Full of Grace Serum bar (rub that between my hands to melt a little product and then pat on over the oil). I finish with the Kiehl's Rosa Arctica eye cream and some Lush Honey Trap lip balm. A couple of times a week, depending on necessity, I use one of the Lush lip scrubs (Popcorn is my absolute favorite) and then apply Honey Trap on top.

photocredit: Kiehl's website
That's it. Its a pretty simple skin care regimen and I am sure there are areas I could expand upon or add extra skincare to, but I find this system works for me (and the tiny bit of free time I have at night before bed).

I hope you'll try one or more of the skin care products from Lush. I love that they're handmade, fresh AND cruelty free. If you do, leave a comment below and let me know how you get on with it!


First Impressions Review: Benefit They're Real Mascara

I am a true lover of mascara. I would say even more than lip gloss. I know, I know. The horror. But it's true! I could go without lipgloss and use plain lip balm and look pretty much the same. However, once you add a couple of coats with that amazing wand of wonder (in the case of a good mascara), instant POW!

I have short-ish lashes but they have a nice natural curl to them and when I add mascara they look long AND curly, without the help of a lash curler.

I have tried tons and tons of mascaras, from the higher end Lancome and Giorgio Armani to the mid range like Benefit and Bare Minerals down to the drugstore favorites by Maybelline, Revlon and L'Oreal.

My personal, holy grail, can't live without, never fails me mascara is L'Oreal Voluminous Carbon Black. Its a drugstore brand, affordable (especially if you've got a coupon) and it consistently delivers amazing results.

But as a self professed beauty addict, I love to try new things. Eyeshadow, polish, lip products and especially mascara! So, even though I have my tried and true favorite, I inevitably find myself in the aisles of Target with TWO handfuls of different mascaras I'm dying to try because of other people's rave reviews.

I tend to keep shooting myself in the foot (or the eye, as it were) and trying Maybelline and Revlon mascaras even though I KNOW they just don't work for me. Dang you Fleur De Force and Miss Glamorazzi for your rave reviews and usually spot on opinions!

I received my sample of Benefit's They're Real mascara in my Birchbox a while back but never got around to using it. 

For those of you who don't know what Birchbox is, stop reading right now and go sign up. It's a monthly subscription service that sends around 5 samples each month, beautifully packaged. That little pink box is my mid-month pick me up! 

Anywho, I've been trying the mascara for the past two days and I LOVE IT! The formula is on the creamier side, less watery than some. It adds a lot of volume and curl and I get zero smudging and very little flaking (disclaimer: the minor flaking may be due in part to the fact that I apply at least two coats...sometimes more. I've never been one to do things half way, hehehe).

The wand has this little spiky mace like weapon on the tip that is perfect for grabbing and lifting those little tiny lashes in the inner corner and on the bottom. It also grabs the outer corner lashes nicely. Take THAT tiny lashes!

I very well may purchase the full size product when the sample is done. Unless, of course, I find another mascara I "must" try.

Leave a comment below if you've tried the Benefit They're Real mascara and let me know how you liked it. If not, let me know what your Holy Grail, Can't Live Without It mascara is and I might have to give it a try!

*winks with long lashes*

Monday, March 10, 2014

A.M. / Morning Cleansing Routine

Good Morning! Let's pretend it's morning, even if it's not, mmkayy?

An essential part of beautifully applied makeup, and beauty overall, is taking good care of your skin. There are lots and lots of routines and regimens and sources for advice and information out there in this World Wide Web but this is just my particular method. 

My skin is combination, very oily in the R-Zone, acne prone and has hyper pigmentation from old acne scars. It's a real winning combination (note the use of sarcasm, as there is not yet a sarcasm font). 

When I had really bad breakouts I tried it all. Pro-Active, dermatologist prescribed skin care and medicine, Clinique 3-step system, various drug store brand cleansers and systems, and many more. 

Then while I was pregnant it became necessary for me (I decided) to simplify my routine and use only natural ingredients, organic where possible. I figured whatever I put on my skin would sink in to my blood stream and affect my baby. It may have been neurosis but that was my thought process. 

I went to Lush and kind of made up my own AM and PM routine for taking care of my skin (PM routine up next). 

Please note: it IS imperative to properly cleanse and wash your face in the morning. There are lots of reasons and a more detailed blog (from a true skin care expert) can be found on Caroline Hirons website. 

Here's the run down:
Cleanse with Herbalism from Lush
Tone with Tea Tree Water from Lush
Moisturize with 100% pure Argan Oil from Josie Maran
Moisturize Lips with Honey Trap from Lush

I also take my vitamins, supplements and drink my first 20 ounces of my daily 80 ounces, in the morning. This helps my skin from the inside out. Consult a doctor to find out what's right for you. 

As you can see I keep it reallllllll simple. I don't have a lot of time for fuff in the morning. Yep. I said fuff. And I've got zero time for it. 

Now, what's missing? 
2) SPF 

Those are three VERY critical steps that I kind of skip.  Well. Not kind of. I actually skip them. 

Any self respecting skin care specialist would require vapors for fear of fainting if they knew. Let's not tell any, shall we? *wink wink*

I find SPF causes me to break out so I avoid it and rely on SPF in my makeup and/or only apply my Clarins one when I know I am spending the day in the sun. I'm still on the hunt for one I like and when I find it I'll let you know. 

I avoid serums because I don't like anything getting between me and my Josie Maran 100% pure Argan Oil. That stuff is pure hydration and deliciousness for my skin! 

As for eye cream...well...I really should use it. At my age (not disclosing that right now thank you very much) I should really be taking a proactive approach to my anti aging regimen. I do use eye cream at night (PM routine spoiler alert!) but I never use it in the day time because I feel like it makes my under eye makeup crease. Again, still on the hunt for that holy grail eye cream. 

If you've got any recommendations for serum, eye cream or SPF please feel free to leave it in the comments below. 

Until next time!


Friday, March 7, 2014

Hourglass Veil Mineral Primer (with broad spectrum SPF 15) Review

Prepare yourself... Prime your face! There I said it. You have been officially advised to Prime Your Face.

Priming is probably the most often skipped step in most people's makeup routine. Most people do it or they don't. Some people only prime when they need some extra wear out of their makeup, like for weddings and special events.

But why on earth wouldn't you want extra wear and all the yummy benefits of a great primer on a daily basis? Its like a two second extra step for - in the case of a really good primer - lots and lots of benefit!

I never used to prime, but I have my reasons. I tried so many. Some of the best really. Bare Minerals Prime Time, NARS Pro-Prime Primer, MAC Prep and Prime, Smashbox Photo Finish (regular, light and blemish control versions), even Urban Decay De-Slick spray and All Nighter spray, both under AND over my foundation. I always, always, always got some breakouts when I used any kind of primer.

Breaking out after using a primer is the start of a vicious cycle: get breakout- need primer- need makeup to hide breakouts- get more get the idea.

However, once I found the right primer for my skin I have not stopped using it and I use it every day any kind of makeup is going on my face, with. out. fail.

The right primer acts as a barrier between the gorgeous skincare you apply and the gorgeous makeup you apply. Makeup which sometimes clogs pores, unfortunately. But fear not! Hourglass Veil Mineral Primer will save you! (tosses superhero cape over shoulder)

photocredit: hourglass website

Since I started using this primer about 6 months ago I have not had a single makeup related breakout. In fact, the only breakouts I've gotten are hormone/that time of the month related. And even still, those are rare.

So, this primer applies white and then dries matte and invisible. Alone on the skin it blurs lines and pores. Then, your usual foundation or, my personal new favorite, a tinted moisturizer, on top ices the cake nicely. I even apply it over my eyelids and under my eyes for extra oomph. It is mineral based AND water resistant- perfect for the coming warmer months. And talk about good for you? It is paraben free, sulfate free, phthalates free, synthetic dye and fragrance free, oil free and gluten free!

Lets talk staying power: it is makeup glue. I have combination skin with a VERY oily T-Zone and this stuff helps my makeup stay strong from 7AM when I apply it on the train until 7PM when I finally take it off at home. I'm running to catch trains in New York Penn Station, running to get my baby girl from day care and running from the subway to my office in Manhattan. Lots of running around and I don't have the time or energy to check my makeup periodically, I need to know it looks flawless all the time and it does.

PS Its also got a tiny SPF 15 benefit which is always nice.

Next time you're in your favorite makeup shopping happy place ask for a sample. Its worth a try. Leave a comment if you do and let me know how you get on with it. Then you too will always Prime Your Face!


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Josie Maran Cosmetics Argan Creamy Concealer Crayon

Let me begin by saying I take my concealing VERY seriously. I need my "unfavorable facial areas" hidden from the eyes of the world for at least 8 hours...sometimes more. I need my concealed areas to look smooth, natural and above all CONCEALED!

I received the Josie Maran Argan Creamy Concealer Crayon in the shade Medium as part of the Josie Maran 5 Piece Complexion Care package I ordered from QVC. The description of this product in the kit is not nearly as helpful as it should be but if you look at the item separately their website says:

What is it: This deeply hydrating, never-cakey, buildable, color-correcting concealer forgives all skin sins--dark circles, blemishes, uneven pigment--without masking that beautiful face of yours. Creamy, blendable, and luminous, it comes with a self-sharpening, twist-up tip so you'll always be on point.

Who is it for: Ideal for those looking to help conceal all skin concerns--including dark circles, blemishes, and uneven pigmentation--with one multitasking, portable product. 

Why is it different: This creamy formula is infused with argan oil to provide hydration and blendable coverage that's never cakey and never tugs or pulls at delicate skin.

How do I use it: Apply to skin and blend with fingertips

Sephora describes this product as a hydrating, ultra creamy, full coverage concealer.

I'd say both descriptions are accurate. (Full Disclosure: I rely on Sephora and QVC for most of my beauty reviews because that's where I tend to shop for beauty products).

I don't think I would have tried this concealer if it had not come in the kit. I'm not one for creamy concealers because I find that when applied under the eyes they fill in the lines in a very unflattering, obvious beacon to my I'm-just-over-30-wrinkles kind of way. Also, when applied to hyper-pigmentation creamy concealers on me usually slip, melt or don't do the job. I tend to go for a liquidy concealer that dries set, like the Smashbox High Definition concealer. This way if I need to build some coverage I am not amassing a small island of product on to whatever spot it is applied.

However, I love this concealer! I love that it's creamy so it sinks in and sets on my skin nicely. It covers what I need covered and if another layer is needed for coverage I'll apply a little dab of setting powder and then another layer of this concealer, blending the edges well.

When applied to a breakout it nicely hides the redness. Unfortunately there isn't much we can do about the texture of a breakout but this concealer does not contribute to dryness or flaking like some less-creamy concealers might. Also, because of the infusion of Argan Oil which is rich in Vitamin E, I think it helps that breakout heal AND helps prevent scarring. That's just my not-a-professional-aesthetician opinion.

I love that it's a twist up crayon because the point allows me to trace under my eyes and around my nose, applying it just where I need it. And, because I apply my makeup on the train, the less product I need to touch with my train-grimey hands, the better. 

It is worthwhile to note that I use this concealer two ways:
1) regular moisturizer -primer - tinted moisturizer- concealer- tinted setting powder (for a full makeup at work face)
2) regular moisturizer -concealer- tinted setting powder (for a quick out the door/weekend face)

If I'm feeling adventurous maybe I'll post a before and after pic on my Instagram (Follow me at BeautyBloom14) with my skin before the concealer and after, a la "weekend face". Leave a note in the comments and let me know if you'd like to see it in action.


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Josie Maran Cosmetics Argan Tinted Moisturizer

I thought it made sense to write my first blog post - my blog "foundation" if you will - with a review of my new favorite "foundation"! See what I did there? Ha.

I got the Josie Maran Argan Tinted Moisturizer in the shade Medium as part of QVC's Josie Maran 5 Piece Complexion Care Package.  

Their description says: 
Argan Tinted Moisturizer: For a dewy radiant glow, apply Argan Tinted Moisturizer to face and blend with fingertips

When I first received it, I put down my favorite foundation, Chanel's Vita Lumiere Aqua, and proceeded to give this a true whirl.

I apply my makeup on the train while I commute to work in NYC and I usually apply my foundation with a buffing brush from Sephora. This way my hands stay cleaner and I don't put any train grime on my face. I applied the JM Tinted Moisturizer using a brush as I normally do and I found it to be a bit streaky. Like the bristles of the brush created lines in the product on my skin. I also noticed that a ton of product remained in the brush. I was NOT pleased. Alas, I continued on in this same fashion, determined to give this product a full two week test.

Then, one morning I decided to follow the instructions *gasp* and guess what? It worked marvelously. I don't use that word nearly enough. Marvelous. Sounds really grand. Anyway, applying the product with my fingers and blending it in 
really gave my face a dewy complexion with a natural, flawless finish!

I find that the coverage is very nice. Its a medium coverage but it does really well covering my existing hyper-pigmentation. I only have to go over some especially dark spots with some concealer. Incidentally I use the concealer that came with my kit - the Argan Creamy Concealer Crayon (review on that next). I find the combination of the two is effective, hydrating and gorgeous. Really marvelous!

I set this on my face with the Bare Minerals Touch Up Veil - Tinted. I use that powder to set every foundation and I really like it (review on that soon). Also, it's worthwhile to mention that no matter what foundation/tinted moisturizer I'm using I always use a primer. My current favorite is the Hourglass Veil Mineral primer.

Here's the product in all it's effectively packaged glory

A true testament to how much I like this Tinted Moisturizer: you know that feeling after you wash the days gunk off your face and you layer on your skin care and you get to the part with your nourishing, hydrating, (maybe a bit pricey) moisturizer and you pat it in and feel it sinking in to your skin, smoothing everything out and doing all its moisturizey goodness to your skin cells? Well that's how I feel when I apply this! But then...I look in my travel sized mirror and ...behold... a nicely evened skin tone that is dewey and radiant without being shiny or greasy!

My skin is combination, VERY oily in the T-Zone (like I need to blot twice a day) and prone to breakouts (especially during that time of the month) and I find that this Tinted Moisturizer is one that I reach for daily. My beauty addict wanderlust can't even tempt me, I have no desire to try something new right now. That's how much I like it.

Here I am wearing it today

Check out my Instagram BeautyBloom14 for Makeup Of The Day posts! 
