Wednesday, October 19, 2016

I'm back...sort of

I took a hiatus from blogging to have a kid or two.

However, now that I'm back to working in an office three days a week and applying makeup on a regular basis I find myself looking for an outlet to share what I'm loving (and not loving) again.

But, in light of recent developments (i.e. Kids) I find that most days I am without makeup but would still like to share my thoughts, unrelated to makeup. I enjoy lifestyle blogs and I guess I am wanting to transition to something like that.

On that note, my goal is to post once or twice a week, with exceptions being made for extenuating circumstances.

I also want to TRY to get back in to my Makeup of the Day/ #MOTD posts on Instagram. That may be a bit ambitious for me but I figure if I put it out there in to blogging-land I may hold myself accountable and actually do it.

We shall see!

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